5th Year of Drought For California
Many Californians did well last year to save water by taking shorter showers, fixing water leaks, and reducing irrigation. But not all cities were able to meet Mr. Brown’s conservation goalsso we have California Drought....

New Research Shows Asia Without Water in 2050
New research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows that Asia, a country populating about 1 billion people, could be without water in 2050. The group of researchers say that Asia’s water needs are...

U.S. Schools Still Struggle With Lead Contamination
U.S. Schools Still Struggle With Lead Contamination,Particularly the old schools of Jersey City’s school district were found to have lead in their drinking water. The ancient plumbing and buildings were part of the issue,...

Fog Water Collection
A new invention called CloudFisher, is a project designed to collect condensed fog and transport it into potable water for rural areas in southwest Morocco. A CloudFisher set up is a series of tall...

Only 9 U.S. States Are Safe From Lead
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently reported that only nine U.S. states have safe levels of lead in their water supply. These states include Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota...

Lead Found In 50 States’ Water Systems
USA TODAY announced that an investigation across 50 states found almost 2,000 water systems have had high levels of lead contamination for the past four years. The news article also stated a staggering fact...

Drink More Water And Eat Less
A new study suggests that people who drink more water consume fewer calories, as well as eat less sugar, salt, and cholesterol, so new fitness mantra is Drink More Water And Eat Less How...

Lead In New Jersey Schools
Lead in New Jersey Schools,Last month in New Jersey, officials shut off water fountains to 30 different school buildings after finding elevated levels of lead in the drinking water. Annual testing found concentration levels...

Public Health Emergency in Hoosick Falls, NY
Health Emergency in Hoosick Falls Hoosick Falls, N.Y., is a small village of about 3,500 people, whose water was recently found with high levels of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a toxic chemical linked in some...

Drought-stricken California Dumps Water From Folsom Lake
Drought-stricken California Dumps Water From Folsom Lake, In the 19th century, a rule was created for Western states to prevent flooding of reservoirs by regularly releasing its waters to maintain empty space and protect...

Flint, Michigan’s Clean Water is Coming Soon
Replacement of the old lead pipes in Flint are to begin this month so that the community can have access to clean water as soon as possible. The state legislature may approve funding for the...

Funding for National Water Emergencies
Funding for National Water Emergencies Suppose there was good news springing from Flint’s water crisis==the awareness that much change is needed for many cities across the country where water quality and transportation is poor....

10 Million Americans Exposed to Lead in Water
10 Million Americans Exposed to Lead in Water Here’s a clearly illustrated explanation (by VOX) of how lead can get into water and what effects it has on the body. VOX sums it up...

Californians Fall Behind in Water Conservation
California’s State Water Resources Control Board says Californians are falling behind the state’s mandatory 25% water conservation target. As of January, cities used 28.4% less water almost hitting the mark, but numbers are decreasing...

India’s Water Crisis
India’s Water Crisis New Delhi is experiencing severe issues accessing clean water. According to India’s Ministry of Urban Development, more than half of Delhi’s residents receive only three hours of running water each day....

Water Scarcity Across The Globe On Grid
Here’s an interesting grid created by researchers that dividing the globe into square millage to determine the monthly water demand of each continent, and where water scarcity is most potent. According to Arjen Y....

Change Your Internal Makeup (Dr. Emoto)
The Work of Dr. EmotoHave you heard of the book The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto? If you’re interested in learning how to positively impact the world and your physical health,...

7 Health Benefits Of Drinking More Water
7 Health Benefits Of Drinking More Water Water serves as the body’s transport system, enabling the proper circulation of nutrients throughout the body. Water helps to flush out waste products and bacteria from the...

Flint’s Water Solution
Still the talk of the news, Flint’s residents are unsatisfied with the current lead pipes used to deliver drinking water to their homes. Who would blame them? Changing the source of water that flows...

U.S. Cities Use Lead Pipes for Drinking Water
Flint, Michigan isn’t the only city whose residents have been drinking water from lead piping for years. Researchers found high levels of lead in Chicago homes, yet city officials failed to warn residents of...
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