Water Scarcity Across The Globe On Grid

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Water Scarcity Across The Globe On Grid

March 7, 2016

Here’s an interesting grid created by researchers that dividing the globe into square millage  to determine the monthly water demand of each continent, and where water scarcity is most potent.

According to Arjen Y. Hoekstra, a professor of water management at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, two-thirds of the world’s population, or approximately four billion people are faced with sever water shortages at least one month of every year.

“That means that groundwater levels are falling, lakes are drying up, less water is flowing in rivers, and water supplies for industry and farmers are threatened,” Dr. Hoekstra said. He also stated that those who experience the most fierce water conditions are from China and India.

Water Image

“Of the remaining two billion, the majority live mostly in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico and the western and southern parts of the United States, such as California, Texas and Florida.”

Read more here to see why we’re all affected.

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