Information on the FOAM ADVANTAGE
Used in Kitchen Canister Filters, Shower & Bath Filters and Whole House Filters
The FOAM ADVANTAGE is the result of a patented process whereby filter media is powderized and shaped into firm, porous blocks. The benefits are several and considerable.
1. The FOAM process greatly increases the contact time between the water and the media. This is how filtration happens.
2. This results in a higher level of filtration.
3. And the FOAM processed media will last longer.
4. Since less FOAM media needs to be used, that leaves more room in the kitchen canister water filter, whole house tank, or other filter – allowing more room for other types of media. This further increases the level of filtration!
Click on the Shop tab above and select kitchen, whole house, or shower filters to see specific Foam Advantage filters.
5. In a whole house filter, the FOAM ADVANTAGE allows kdf to be combined with granulated carbon in a single tank. This means you don’t have to pay for an additional tank, or pay to install an additional tank.
6. The FOAM does not compress, so you do not need to backwash, thereby eliminating the cost of a backwash head, and the need for electricity. The purpose of backwashing is frequently misunderstood. Backwashing normally is to ‘fluff’ filter material so it doesn’t compress. The FOAM ADVANTAGE-processed media will not compress, so the cost of buying a backwash head is eliminated.
7. The patent-processed media eliminated flow problems, so you can have great filtration with virtually no drop in flow rate!
8. Overall the resulting system has no moving parts and requires no maintenance other than changing the media as needed.
The FOAM processed media is applied in many applications and varying circumstances. The following test results indicate the effectiveness and efficiency.
Test Results
Super Fine KDF Foam. One 4-inch disk. (The media is applied appropriately and proportionally for various products)
Gallons Tested Inflow parts per million Outflow ppm Effectiveness
10 2.08 0.04 98%
20 2.08 0.06 97%
30 2.08 0.03 99%
40 2.06 0.04 98%
50 2.02 0.05 98%
60 2.02 0.03 99%
70 2.04 0.06 97%
80 2.05 0.02 99%
90 2.01 0.06 97%
100 2.06 0.04 98%
The efficiency spread attached to a foam matrix was also more stable than the results from large granular (not foam) samples. This is believed to be a function of the reticulated foam avoiding media packing or channeling. Granulated material lost 7 psi, fine kdf disks lost only 2 psi. (note: what this indicates is that water pressure is minimally reduced. PSI of most filters is up to 125 psi, the disk reduced it 2.)
Factory testing specs:
Test Date: 2/20/12
Testing Laboratory: Foamulations, LLC testing Facility
303 Najoles Rd, Suite 112
Millersville, MD 21108
Technician: R. Brooks
Tests were performed on a Hach DR/3000 Spectrophotometer using method 8021 Free Chlorine.
Foam Media eliminates pressure drop problems.
This foam media is included in one-tank two-media whole house filters, whole house small alternative filters, kitchen canister filters, shower filters , bath filters, garden filters, and RV filters.
Below are used in units like the Whole House Small Alternative Filters
All Foam Cartridges
As used in the Whole House Small Alternative Filters
With no significant pressure loss compared to an empty cartridge, you will never notice the flow slowing. Unlike radial flow cartridges, which have a minimal amount of filtration media, All Foam Cartridges filter with the entire volume of the cartridge. These patented foam filters are available in many different media, and we use them when it makes sense in various situations. Because of their reticulated design, they never channel. Foam cartridges come in sizes allowing them to be used in 10″, 20″, and whole house housings. Refilling is quick and easy.
Combo Cartridges are cartridges containing both foam and granular media. These also solve the pressure loss issue typical of axial flow, purely granular cartridges. These units utilize the full volume of the cartridge for filtration. Combo Cartridges, using a calculated ratio of foam to granular media, still offer the non-channeling benefits of the filter foam but at a lesser cost than the All Foam systems. Combo cartridges are easy to refill.
The Combo Cartridge is used in all type of the WHBB line – known as the Smaller Whole House Alternative. These charts are indicative of all the uses of foam media, but are specifically the results of the WHBB 20-inch filters.
Chlorine is removed effectively for 80,000 gallons. There is virtually no decline in effectiveness until 80,000 gallons of usage.
This provides an example of how the effectiveness of foam filter media is extended for any foam media.
Water flow rate will be very strong. It shows a maximum decline of 3 pounds (out of 125 pounds) at a flow rate of 10 gallons per minute. This is proportionally very little decline in pressure – about a 2.4% reduction. It is very unlikely that you would notice any decrease is your water flow.
To see certifications of filter materials used in our filters see Certifications.
Friends of Water can be reached at [email protected] or 866-482-6803. We sell all over the country – and are located on the West Coast.