Flint’s Kids Are The Talk Of The Nation
As the water crisis in Flint, Michigan continues, the education system is now a big concern for parents and teachers. Npr.org says that, “The percentage of children age 5 and under with elevated levels...

Lead Exposure From Drinking Water
Does my drinking water at home contain lead? This is a good question to ask yourself, if you aren’t sure of the answer. Up to 20% of Americans’ lead exposure comes from drinking water...

Muslim Community Donates 30,000 bottles of water to Flint
Americans are aware of the water crisis occurring in Flint, Michigan, where over a hundred thousand people have been poisoned with lead. Governor Rick Snyder and his administration tried to save money by selling...

Obama Water Rule Overruled
In January 2016, The House overturned Obama’s water rule, known as the “Clean Water Act”, that would’ve given federal authority over small waterways in the US. The Senate aims to block the Environmental Protection...

Scientists Turn Water into Fuel
Scientists are working on solving the mystery of deriving hydrogen from fuel in an affordable way to power vehicles. The Christian Science Monitor says: Hydrogen has the potential to fuel incredibly environmentally clean cars....

British Columbia’s Water Sustainability Act
The provincial government of British Columbia intends to bring their Water Sustainability Act (WSA) into effect this year of 2016. The Act will provide new tools to help ensure that water stays healthy and secure for BC’S...

Benefits to Filtering Your Water
Here’s some helpful information from, “Ask Well.” Health questions answered by Times journalists and experts. Should you filter your water? The short answer is yes. While the Environmental Protection Agency regulates municipal tap water and...

“Water and Climate Change” Tri-national Conference
On November 16th and 17th, three European countries–France, Germany, and Poland–came together to discuss how research can contribute to solving water problems worldwide. These country’s best researchers met in Paris for the trinational conference...

Climate Prediction El Nino Spring 2016

New Natural Resource Investment Center
The White House recognizes the challenges US is facing today with water conservation. There’s news from USA TODAY about a meeting that focused on managing the country’s water supplies that are constantly at risk...

Health Risks From Uranium In Drinking Water
Here are some excerpts from an article on health concerns related to water: What is Uranium? According to WRAL.com, Uranium is a naturally occurring element, which has been seeping at unhealthy levels into U.S....

Researchers remove salt from polluted water
The ocean makes up 75% of earth’s water, but is undrinkable due to its high salt content. Researchers have discovered a simple and cost-effective method for removing pollutants and salt from water, making it drinkable. Whereas...

Research Shows Earth’s Water Depleting
Here’s an interesting article by The Washington Post, about earth’s most precious resource, freshwater, and how recent studies have attempted to calculate how much water is used globally each year. Essentially researchers have found...

Colorado Water Plan
Colorado water planners have a plan to save water. The Denver Post shared the details on 11/18/2015: • A water-saving target of 130 billion gallons a year for cities and industry, left largely on...

Changes In Snowfall Affect Water Supply
A new study has just confirmed that billions of people depend on snowfall for water supply, and snowpacks are currently shrinking in areas where climate temperatures are rising. The New York Times posted an article about...

Project Liquifying Aquifers
The Los Angeles River carries approximately 200 million gallons of runoff water each day into the Pacific Ocean. A young architect, Lujac Desautel has an idea to reuse this wasted water. He calls the project Liquifying...

Evergreen Medal for Nature Conservation
Because books are important venues for knowledge, preserving wisdom, and inspiring others to make changes in their lives and the world around them, Evergreen Book Medals is a program that commemorates world-changing books since...

D.C. first utility to turn sewage water into electricity
“D.C. Water, which also treats sewage from much of the Maryland and Northern Virginia suburbs, recently became the first utility in North America to use a Norwegian thermal hydrolysis system to convert the sludge...

Flint’s water emergency advisory
Water authorities in Flint, Mich. told their customers and water users to continue drinking their tap water even though strange odors and colors were reported. Then residents were advised to let the water run...

Rain or Shine, Californian’s Need to Continue Conserving Water
“The National Weather Service has predicted a 95% chance of El Niño continuing throughout the winter.” The Los Angeles Times article says that experts predict storms for Southern California beginning in the upcoming months....
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