Water authorities in Flint, Mich. told their customers and water users to continue drinking their tap water even though strange odors and colors were reported. Then residents were advised to let the water run for 5 minutes before using it and to install lead- removing water filters.
Then county officials issued an emergency advisory recommending that people not drink the water unless it was tested for lead or was filtered.
According to The New York Times article, “In recent weeks, testing has shown increased levels of lead in the blood of some Flint children — and health officials pointed to the water as a possible source.”
And last Friday, after lead levels were found rising in many children, “state officials called for the water to be tested at all Flint public schools and for stepped-up efforts to replace lead service lines; they also promised $1 million to provide filters.”
Read more here. And, here at friendofwater.com our kdf in all our wide-spectrum filters works great to remove lead. KR101N
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