Health Concerns

Health Risks From Uranium In Drinking Water

December 22, 2015

Here are some excerpts from an article on health concerns related to water:

What is Uranium?

According to, Uranium is a naturally occurring element, which has been seeping at unhealthy levels into U.S. water supplies as an unexpected by-product of irrigation, drought and over-pumping of groundwater

What are health risks of Uranium consumption?

“Long-term exposure to uranium can damage kidneys and raise cancer risks. While people think mainly about uranium’s radioactivity, the danger in water comes from the toxic chemical effects of the metal.”


The spread of farming in California over the last 150 years is a factor. Mountain snowmelt washes uranium-laden sediment to the flatlands. Irrigation allows year-round farming, and the irrigated plants naturally create a weak acid that is leeching more and more uranium from sediment, say U.S. Geological Survey researchers.

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