USA TODAY announced that an investigation across 50 states found almost 2,000 water systems have had high levels of lead contamination for the past four years. The news article also stated a staggering fact that the water systems, which reported lead levels exceeding the EPA’S standards, supply water to 6 million people. About 350 of those systems provide drinking water to schools or day cares and these systems were noted to have some of the highest levels of lead. it is alarming that Lead Found In 50 States’ Water Systems
The investigation also found that 180 of these water systems failed to notify their consumers about the contaminated water.

Here are the health risks of lead consumption:
- Even at small doses, lead poses a health threat, especially for pregnant women and young children.
- Lead can damage growing brains and cause reduced IQs, attention disorders and other problem behaviors.
- Infants fed formula made with contaminated tap water face significant risk.
- Adults are not immune, with evidence linking lead exposure to kidney problems, high blood pressure and increased risks of cardiovascular deaths. The EPA stresses there is no safe level of lead exposure.
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