California Drought
San Jose Reduces Water Restrictions
San Jose residents earned their right to reduce water conservation limits this summer and throughout the year due to the terrific accomplishments their community made to save water by 27 percent in 2015. As...

California Drought
United States Dams Are Strained By Severe Drought
It’s been known that in the 20th century the US built several dams across the West to direct and conserve river water, generate electricity, and store water in reservoirs for city and farm use....

California Drought
San Diego’s Inland Water Suffers Through Drought
After 200 volunteers helped to sample San Diego’s inland water quality at various sites throughout 2015, the results were surprising. High amounts of bacteria and low oxygen levels were found in the region’s creeks...

California Drought
California Governor Permanently Bans Wasting Water
In response to California reaching its fifth year of drought, Gov. Jerry Brown has decided to make some water restrictions permanent. This includes banning wasteful practices like hosing sidewalks and washing cars with hoses...

California Drought
Borrego Valley, San Diego Runs Out Of Water
In San Diego County, Borrego Springs is a small desert town of 3,000 residents who are challenged with a water crisis that can’t sustain itself much longer , San Diego Runs Out Of Water...

California Drought
5th Year of Drought For California
Many Californians did well last year to save water by taking shorter showers, fixing water leaks, and reducing irrigation. But not all cities were able to meet Mr. Brown’s conservation goalsso we have California Drought....

California Drought
Drought-stricken California Dumps Water From Folsom Lake
Drought-stricken California Dumps Water From Folsom Lake, In the 19th century, a rule was created for Western states to prevent flooding of reservoirs by regularly releasing its waters to maintain empty space and protect...

California Drought
Californians Fall Behind in Water Conservation
California’s State Water Resources Control Board says Californians are falling behind the state’s mandatory 25% water conservation target. As of January, cities used 28.4% less water almost hitting the mark, but numbers are decreasing...

California Drought
Changes In Snowfall Affect Water Supply
A new study has just confirmed that billions of people depend on snowfall for water supply, and snowpacks are currently shrinking in areas where climate temperatures are rising. The New York Times posted an article about...

California Drought
Project Liquifying Aquifers
The Los Angeles River carries approximately 200 million gallons of runoff water each day into the Pacific Ocean. A young architect, Lujac Desautel has an idea to reuse this wasted water. He calls the project Liquifying...

California Drought
Rain or Shine, Californian’s Need to Continue Conserving Water
“The National Weather Service has predicted a 95% chance of El Niño continuing throughout the winter.” The Los Angeles Times article says that experts predict storms for Southern California beginning in the upcoming months....

California Drought
California’s Solution, Recycling Water?
Experts say that California’s solution to the drought, if it keeps up, may be recycling and purifying sewage water into drinking water. Water managers throughout the state agree that the technology is here and...

California Drought
Opinion on California Water Rights
Here’s a valid opinion on California Water Rights, by Carolee Kreiger and The New York Times: “Typically, California’s water supply is stored as snow in the Sierra Nevada, where it is released gradually to...

California Drought
California Mining for Water
In the Mojave Desert at the Cadiz water project, there lies 34,000 acres of land where investors have believed (for many years now) that billions of gallons of water are locked up waiting to...

California Drought
New ‘Shade Balls’ Save Drinking Water
National Geographic posted an article about a new invention used in L.A. called ‘Shade Balls’, which are4-inch plastic balls that lay on top of water to shade and cool it, reducing evaporation 85-90%. They...

California Drought
Flooding California Farmland In Winter May Help
A study done by University of California, Davis, showed that flooding fields in the winter could help to replenish the earth’s aquifiers without harming crops or affecting drinking water. Read about how researchers say...

California Drought
Sierra Nevada Snowpack At Its Lowest
Research shows that the snowfall in Sierra Nevada is at its record-lowest in over 500 years, and 2015 marked extreme conditions. Studies say that, “…global warming will reduce the amount of snow blanketing California...

California Drought
San Diego Water Rises During Drought
Unlinke the rest of California, San Diego’s water levels are at 99% of normal, says The San Diego Union-Tribune. According to the data collected by the San Diego County Water Authority, the county has had...

California Drought
Well done Californians!
Some more good news for California: Officials announced that residents of Golden State cut water use by 31.3% in July, which surpassed Gov. Jerry Brown’s 25% goal. July had some heavy rainfall to help...

California Drought
A historic El Nino expected for California
Abc 7 News posted an article about Calfornia State emergency officials preparing for a historic storm that may cause serious flooding. California’s drought-striken land is so parched that the state needs to be prepared...