What is gray water?
According to the article posted by U.S. News, it’s typically the”…gently-used runoff from bathroom sinks, showers, bathtubs and washing machines.”
Why reuse your gray water?
Well if you’re a Californian you should be thinking by now, “How can I save water?” If you have plants or a garden you’ll want to hear about how to recycle water at home.
Good news?
California’s building codes are allowing home owners to create the simplest systems for the safest gray water without a permit.
How does it work?
You take a shower and your flowers get watered.
Is it really that simple? What about vegetables? Is it safe to reuse gray water?
“Recycling water at home is not as easy as just hooking your shower up to the lawn sprinklers, and recycled water probably won’t save the lawn.
Just like there’s no one sure way to fight the drought, there’s no one sure way for gray-water treatment,” the state gray-water chief said. “Everybody has to look at all the options and figure out what works for them.”
Read more here.
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