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Chicago’s Water Supply Has High Levels of Lead

The brain-damaging metal lead, continues to pose threats to public water systems and their users throughout the United States. chicago’s water supply has high level of lead, This last summer, thousands of Chicago residents received notice that their homes have been connected to a city water system that has been leaching alarming levels of...

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18 Million Americans Exposed to Lead Contamination Violations in 2015

A shocking report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) showed that in 2015, 18 million Americans received drinking water from systems that exceeded safe levels of leada and have Lead Contamination (pbs.org) ‘The research indicates more than 5,000 community waterway systems nationwide break the Lead and Copper Rule, a federal regulation managed by the...

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Illinois Public Water Systems Contaminated With Lead

Residents of Galesburg, Illinois, have been alarmed that much of the city’s tap water has been exceeding federal lead standards since 2004 now Contaminated With Lead. According to the Chicago Tribune, Knox County city currently stands out for repeatedly exceeding U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lead standards. In addition to Knox, about 170 other public water...

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Lead in Tacoma Water Found at High Levels

LEAD IN TACOMA WATER AT HIGH LEVELS Tacoma, Washington’s water system was tested and found to have high levels of lead in hundreds of customers pipes.  Test showed that ‘goose-neck’ water pipes are holding and excreting toxic levels of lead into the city water. Officials say these pipes are used to funnel water from...

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U.S. Schools Still Struggle With Lead Contamination

U.S. Schools Still Struggle With Lead Contamination,Particularly the old schools of Jersey City’s school district were found to have lead in their drinking water. The ancient plumbing and buildings were part of the issue, as well as the fact that this problem was ignored for several years. About 17,000 students attend these 30 schools...

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Only 9 U.S. States Are Safe From Lead

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently reported that only nine U.S. states have safe levels of lead in their water supply. These states include Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota and Tennessee.  So only 9 states are safe from lead.41 states had Action Levels exceeded in the last three years. ...

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Lead Found In 50 States’ Water Systems

USA TODAY announced that an investigation across 50 states found almost 2,000 water systems have had high levels of lead contamination for the past four years. The news article also stated a staggering fact that the water systems, which reported lead levels exceeding the EPA’S standards, supply water to 6 million people. About 350 of...

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Lead In New Jersey Schools

Lead in New Jersey Schools,Last month in New Jersey, officials shut off water fountains to 30 different school buildings after finding elevated levels of lead in the drinking water. Annual testing found concentration levels of lead to be abnormally high, which showed cause for concern and has required additional testing and monitoring. Bottled water...

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10 Million Americans Exposed to Lead in Water

10 Million Americans Exposed to Lead in Water Here’s a clearly illustrated explanation (by VOX) of how lead can get into water and what effects it has on the body. VOX sums it up pretty well. Water doesn’t originally have much lead in it, but untreated water can damage lead pipes. The toxic substance...

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U.S. Cities Use Lead Pipes for Drinking Water

Flint, Michigan isn’t the only city whose residents have been drinking water from lead piping for years. Researchers found high levels of lead in Chicago homes, yet city officials failed to warn residents of the brain-damaging medal leaking from their pipes. Nearly 80 percent of the properties in Chicago are hooked up to service...

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Lead Exposure From Drinking Water

Does my drinking water at home contain lead? This is a good question to ask yourself, if you aren’t sure of the answer. Up to 20% of Americans’ lead exposure comes from drinking water (says CNN) Many older homes and public water systems still have lead plumbing fixtures You can protect your family by...

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Lead Found In Michigan Children After Switching Water Source

Doctors found high levels of lead in hundreds of children from Flint, Michigan, and the likely cause is from the city water. Even though the state assured its water drinkers that it would be safe to pump water from Flint River, pediatricians who’ve done the tests found levels of lead rising in children, compared...

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According to the Mason County Press, there may be lead in some homes in the area, especially if the home has lead pipes.  As the article correctly notes, annual testing at the municipality level doesn’t show the quality at individual homes.  (This is of course true wherever you live.) Friendofwater.com adds that you can...

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Chloramine is being used more and more widely as an alternative disinfectant to chlorine.  It actually consists of chlorine with ammonia added. There are a number of health risks associated with the byproducts of chloramines.  One such concern is that chloramines can result in an increase of lead in drinking water.  This risk is...

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Lead in drinking water can be an issue for irrigation systems that are from ancient times, because did not know what we know now about lead poisoning. The famous aqueducts in ancient Rome were contaminated with approximately 100 times more lead than the local spring water, according to researchers. The supply was contaminated by...

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More than one million people living in the Denver metro area have been warned about possible lead contamination in their tap water.  The problem is traced to older lead-based piping that exists in those older homes. High levels of lead were discovered in a routine check of the water system. Lead concentration was detected...

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Newsburgh, New York Struggles With Serious Water Contamination

Residents of Newburgh, New York, have been struggling with poverty and crime for years, but as of last year they’ve been faced with a new challenge: their tap water may have exposed them to a chemical linked to cancer, says CBS News. Apparently, the chemical PFOS, which has been used in firefighting foam at...

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Remove Fluoride from Water

San Diego’s Inland Water Suffers Through Drought

After 200 volunteers helped to sample San Diego’s inland water quality at various sites throughout 2015, the results were surprising. High amounts of bacteria and low oxygen levels were found in the region’s creeks and streams. Each sample was tested for three different bacteria counts, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, temperature, pH, and other measures. “What...

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10 Easy Tips to Select Water Filters

   10 Easy Tips to Select Water Filters Determine if your community uses chlorine or chloramine as the disinfectant. Health Risks by Chloramine in Water Determine if your municipality fluoridates the water. Learn if there are any violations in your water supply.  All three can be learned by reviewing your town’s Annual Water Quality...

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