California Drought


February 21, 2015

About 100,000 gallons of water poured into a residential neighborhood in Hollywood Hills this week causing sidewalks to crack and cars to be submerged under water. The cause of this water break was due to the deteriorating water pipes that are nearly a century-old. At a time when water conservation is crucial in California this poses a major concern.

Some residents went without water for the day until repairs were complete. Is this a look into the future?

According to an analysis done by the Los Angeles Times, “one-fifth of Los Angeles’ water mains were installed before 1931 but account for close to half the pipes that are most prone to cause damaging leaks.”

Pipe age, water pressure, soil quality and leak history are some factors that contribute to water main breaks. This is a current issue that the aging city of Los Angeles is facing. Let’s hope a solution is found.

For more information about this event please visit the original article by CBSLA.

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