Whole House Filters

Whole House Water Filters Buying Guide

The whole house filters we sell use only top-quality filter material and parts.  They are extremely effective against the contaminants that are, or may be, in your household water. Since January 2006, Friends of Water has been offering whole house water filters at excellent prices.  Each filter is of only the highest quality.   The result is more effective water filtration for a longer time – and therefore a far better value.

Additional differentiators include that all the variants of our standard wide-spectrum water filters use the FOAM ADVANTAGE patented process.  This means that kdf filter media is powdered and shaped into blocks or disks, which are firm but extremely porous.  This makes the same amount of filter media far more effective than a comparable amount of media not processed in this way.  The media does not compress.  Using this patent-processed media increases the contact time between the water the filter media.  That’s  how filtration happens.

All of our standard filters include the use of patent-processed kdf, which is a combination of copper and zinc.  This is a fantastic filter media that directly removes chlorine, chemical contaminants and heavy metals – and which enhances the effectiveness and lifespan of carbon.  The Foam Advantage makes it work even better.


Many of our customers are particularly concerned about fluoride.  The primary risk of fluoride is from ingestion (unlike chlorine or chloramine).  It is most important that you at least filter it out of your kitchen drinking and cooking water.

We do have good and affordable options for those who want to reduce fluoride from the whole house.  Families with particular sensitivities often get these versions.  The fluoride-filtering media can be combined with the other media, including those that target chlorine and those that target chloramine – for a whole house solution.

The smallest whole house filter needs media replacement after 80,000 gallons.  Others, depending upon the size of your home, and your particular needs, range from 150,000 to 600,000 gallons. For extra-large homes, we have even bigger whole house filter systems.  Check your water bill to see how much water you use in a year.

Click here For How To Choose a Whole House Filter and click to shop for whole house filters here.

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Friends of Water is a family-owned and family-run business founded in January 2006. We work to save water, filter water and celebrate water.

  • In Business for 20 years
  • Free shipping on orders above $250.
  • All our products have a 90-day return warranty in addition to manufacturer guarantees. Return any purchase within 90 days for a full refund.
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