water contamination
Newsburgh, New York Struggles With Serious Water Contamination
Residents of Newburgh, New York, have been struggling with poverty and crime for years, but as of last year they’ve been faced with a new challenge: their tap water may have exposed them to...
water contamination
Chicago’s Water Supply Has High Levels of Lead
The brain-damaging metal lead, continues to pose threats to public water systems and their users throughout the United States. chicago’s water supply has high level of lead, This last summer, thousands of Chicago residents...
water contamination
18 Million Americans Exposed to Lead Contamination Violations in 2015
A shocking report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) showed that in 2015, 18 million Americans received drinking water from systems that exceeded safe levels of leada and have Lead Contamination (pbs.org) ‘The research...
water contamination
San Diego’s Inland Water Suffers Through Drought
After 200 volunteers helped to sample San Diego’s inland water quality at various sites throughout 2015, the results were surprising. High amounts of bacteria and low oxygen levels were found in the region’s creeks...
water contamination
Why You Need A Water Filter
In recent years there have been a growing number of more widely-distributed news stories pointing out the large number of new contaminants in our drinking water, including chemicals and hormones. While no water filter company...
water contamination
How To Choose The Right Water Filter For Your Kitchen
Water filters are incredibly important to our health. Drinking water is so natural in a lot of cases that most people don’t think of what is in the water that is slipping its way...
water contamination
Manganese is not a mineral that is naturally found in water. More than likely it came from a water source that had iron in it, but manganese is rarer than iron. In small...
water contamination
Lead in drinking water can be an issue for irrigation systems that are from ancient times, because did not know what we know now about lead poisoning. The famous aqueducts in ancient Rome were...