Chemicals in the Water


February 21, 2014

One of our readers, named Shira, sent some comments a few days ago, mostly focused on Hydrolic Fracturing (fracking). She wrote this:
“Maude (Maude Barlow, as reported on our site) pointed out that “Right now 1.3 billion people do not have adequate access to good water.” But they are not all in the Third World. Here in the USA, when people can ignite the water coming out of their faucets something is very, very wrong. The frackers who caused this horrendous situation most certainly are not going to fix it, especially since they generally deny having anything to do with the problem.
I would love to see you address fracking – to raise awareness first of all, since many people have never even heard of it. You could post information about the documentaries, “Gasland,” and “Unearthed: The FrackingFacade.”
As we said to Shira, it’s our impression that our readers and customers are well aware of fracking and its implications. However, you may not have seen these documentaries. And below is a petition you can add your name to.
To sign a petition against fracking, see this site.
Thank you Shira,
By the way, another post on fracking on this blog can be seen listed in October 2013.

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